Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions OAA receives, presented here for your convenience. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions.

How to register, login, or navigate the customer portal?

What does a typical class include?

All classes begin with a quick warm-up and active stretch, but the body of the program depends on the specific class.
Kinder and Junior gym will rotate through circuits with great variety between training sessions, incorporating a lot of training aids to build a strong gymnastics foundation. Youth and Teen programs will rotate through objectives on the trampoline, double-mini trampoline, and tumble track, with athletes working toward achieving measurable objectives in a customized level-system. Adult programs are similar to the Youth and Teen classes, but with more emphasis on trampoline.

Aerial classes focus specifically on progressing through maneuvers and combinations with aerial silks, silk hammocks,  static trapeze, lyra (hoop), and straps. All classes close with a cool-down which consists of five to ten minutes of physical conditioning followed by passive flexibility.

When can we sign-up for classes?

Our classes run year-round on a month-to-month basis from September to June, with a summer session for the July and August months.

You can sign-up for classes anytime in the month at a pro-rated fee.

How big are the classes?
We run classes to a maximum of 6 to 1 coach.
What method of payment do you accept?

We accept cash, cheque, e-transfer, debit, Mastercard and Visa. (We can also do recurring billing for those interested.)

How big are the classes?
We run classes to a maximum of 6 to 1 coach.
Can we switch to a different class?

Changes can be made as long as there is space in the alternate class. Changes must be coordinated with an OAA administrative staff member.

How can I book a make-up class?

Please inquire with an administrative staff member to schedule your make-up class. Make-up classes will vary on program and availability.

What do we wear?

Most of our participants wear t-shirts and shorts. Gymnastics body suit with shorts, athletic pants, sweat/track pants, and long-sleeved T-shirts are also acceptable options. Bare feet, socks, or trampoline slippers are all appropriate footwear options.

While participants can wear what they are comfortable training in, we request that participants avoid clothing that poses safety concerns. Therefore, we ask that you do not wear jeans (or any clothing with buckles, belts, or zippers) and hoodies or other loose-fitted clothing.

How can I book a make-up class?

Please inquire with an administrative staff member to schedule your make-up class. Make-up classes will vary on program and availability.

Can I watch / do I have to stay?

Spectators are welcome to stay as long or as little as desired (there is no requirement to observe). There is a large viewing area with lots of seating that provides a good view of most of the gym. The view of the Aerials class can be requested to the coach and there is seating available within the gym upon request.

Can I request a specific coach?

Requests will be considered on the basis of the coach’s availability. An administrative staff member can assist with coordinating a specific coach’s assigned classes to determine availability.

Will classes run if the weather is bad?

Yes, unless under extreme weather conditions or power outages. Please call ahead before travel. We try to ensure members are well-informed through different communication channels if this is the case.

How can I join the competitive team?

Athletes are encouraged to start out in the recreational programs to build a proper foundation for their physical and technical development. These programs introduce athletes to specific technical objectives through a level-system, and the focus is on providing a safe and fun environment for individuals to build confidence without facing competitive pressures; our recreational programs also require less of a financial investment and time commitment. Athletes are able to participate in as many recreational classes as they would like (there is a 10% discount after the first class). If athletes are looking for competitive programs, please inquire within. Try-outs are done on a request or referral basis and typically occur after the conclusion of the competitive season (e.g., from July to October).

What protocols have you put in place to protect against COVID-19?

The health and safety of our athletes is our first priority, as always. We have implemented a lot of additional protocols, such as: 

  • Mandatory face masks: All staff, visitors and customers are required to wear a non-medical face mask or face covering upon entering and remaining within OAA. Participants are not permitted to wear a mask during OAA classes, but should do so when in the lobby, going to the bathroom, and when it is difficult to socially distance from others. 
  • COVID-19 Self Assessment: Every participant/ individual who remains within OAA for 15 minutes or longer must fill out a COVID-19 screening questionnaire. If the questionnaire concludes that the individual has any symptoms, has been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days or has a temperature over 37.5 C, they will have to stay home. 
  • Hand Sanitizing Stations: We have installed 4 foaming hand sanitizing stations. Athletes must wash their hands/sanitize upon arrival and exit, between each station, and frequently during class. 
  • Cleaning Protocol: We have implemented a strict cleaning schedule, including cleaning and disinfecting commonly used areas between each session, disinfecting the gym equipment between rotations, cleaning the gym with a canister HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner daily, and steam cleaning the entire gym once per week. 
Additional Protocol: 
  • We placed physical distancing Xs 2m apart outside the gym for athletes to line up before entering the gym. We also require athletes to line up on Velcro lines that are 2m apart while waiting to use the tumble track, rod floor and double mini. 
  • We built a staircase up to the trampolines to avoid participants touching them with their hands to get up. 
  • We have installed EZ pull paper towels in our bathrooms and our hand dryers have been temporarily disconnected.
  • We have removed most chairs from the viewing gallery. Those remaining, have been separated to allow for physical distancing. We encourage parents to drop off/pick-up their children rather than staying to watch. 
  • Participants will not be permitted to drink from our water foundations (but can use the water re-filling station to re-fill their water bottles).
  • We have moved the self-serving fridge to inside the office, for only one staff member to handle and distribute.